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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Bungoma

The high rate of unemployment in Kenya has been a source of great concern for policymakers in County governments and other key sectors. One of the contributing factors tothis state of affairs is the lack of practical work-based experience among the graduates.Every year, thousands of young people graduate from post school institutions anduniversities with certificates, diplomas and degrees from a wide range of academic andtechnical disciplines. However, their preparation for afterschool work and life is generallylow, leading to a sense of frustration and a great feeling of betrayal of the societal contracti.e. growing up, schooling and raising a family and contributing to the countrys growth.Employment opportunities for the youth marks an important transitional period towardsindependence, increased responsibility and active participation in national as well associetal development. The converse is also true; left on their own without attendantremedial strategies, they are likely to fall into social ills such as crime, drug and substanceabuse, and religious fanaticism.As a County Government and in tandem with the National Agenda on strengthening youthemployment and entrepreneurship, the County Government of Bungoma has a role to playin ensuring that the youth, especially those with relevant qualifications, are offeredopportunities to enable them gain practical work experience and/or fulfil the legalrequirement for registration by professional bodies. It is therefore pertinent that the Countyestablishes an internship programme, which would be a contribution to the governmentseffort to alleviate youth unemployment by offering them a chance to gain workplaceexperience, thus enabling them to have a competitive edge in their job search.

Tags internship, policy, for, county, government, bungoma, internship-policy-for-the-county-government-of-bungoma, Environmental Management


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