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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Kajiado

...The preparation of the FY 2020/21 Citizens Budget is in accordance with the PFM, Regulations, 2015 Section 6 (2)that requires the County Treasury to publicize a summary of the budget estimates.While the budget was prepared under a constrained economic environment due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, it still observed the fiscal responsibility principles as spelt out by the PFM Act, 2012. The 2020 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) was crucial in informing the budget estimates. In FY 2020/21budget, the total resource envelope for the County Government is Kshs.9.44 billion, with an allocation of 65 percent of the total expenditure apportioned to recurrent expenditure and 35 percent to development expenditure.In drafting the estimates, the county coordinated sectoral discussions to collect views and input into the budget. Following the directives issued and measures put in place to manage the spread of COVID-19, citizens were informed and guided on how to participate and to deliver their input during the budget preparation process. I wish to acknowledge the support of H.E Governor Ole Lenku and H.E Deputy Governor Martin Moshisho for their leadership during this Budget preparation process. Many thanks to the County Executive Committee Members, Chief Officers, and the department of Finance, Economic Planning and ICT for taking a lead in the budget formulation process.I also wish to give thanks to the County Assembly:led by Hon.Speaker Mr. Johnson Osoi;the Budget and Appropriation Committee led by Chairman Hon. Henry Kimiti;and other Departmental Committees for analyzing the estimates and giving recommendations for a finer budget. I wish to thank all citizens of Kajiado County who took part in the public participation and gave development proposals during the budget making process

Tags kajiado, county, citizens, budget, 2020, 2021, KAJIADO COUNTY CITIZENS BUDGET 2020/2021, Public Finance


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