Kakamega County Water Supply And Urban Sewerage Strategic Plan (2015 2019)

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Publisher County Government
Year of Publication 2014
Category Policies and Guidelines Budget & Fiscal Plans
County Kakamega
Description Following the promulgation of the 2010 constitution, access to safe and sufficient water became a basic human right; a responsibility of the newly elected forty seven counties in the Country. Simply put, County governments (including that of Kakamega) are required by law to make budgetary allocations for water and sanitation. It was against this background that the Kakamega County Water Supply and Urban Sewerage Plan (CWSUSSPs) was mooted. The Kakamega CWSUSSPs seeks to look beyond investment at pure infrastructure level and takes due cognisance of interventions necessary to ensure that: The desired infrastructure is up to date /does not fall into despair; Is able to indefinitely match the population needs for water. The financial focus of this strategic plan is therefore not only directed to building infrastructure but also in supporting budgetary requirements needed to operate, maintain and rehabilitate the systems, support the water service suppliers and water management committees and operators among other things. Hence, the most important characteristic of this CWSUSSP strategic plan is that, it uses the Life Cycle Cost Approach (LCCA) in planning and primarily focuses on impact, while at the same time taking responsibility for sustainability for services as a principle for the financial planning.
The strategic planning process
At the start of the strategic planning process, it was generally felt that safe sanitation and hygiene behaviour was linked to access to safe and sufficient water. Additionally, it was also recognised that, the bulk of water services in Kakamega County are generally managed at four levels: Community level; Town level and County level and the national level. At the community and county levels, it was generally agreed that, water and sanitation were the responsibility of the household, with the mandate of improving sanitation being spread out to several different ministries. As a consequence therefrom, leadership of the entire strategic planning process was assigned to the water department of the county government Kakamega and involved holding of numerous consultative meetings; data collection and analysis, stakeholder validation workshops and the development of draft and the final report. It was through this process that the Vision, Mission and strategic outcomes were agreed upon as follows: Vision: The Vision of the Water Department of Kakamega County is: to be a model county in the provision of quality water and sanitation services in Kenya
Mission: The Mission of the Water Department of Kakamega County is: ensuring the provision of quality, adequate and affordable water and sanitation services in an environmentally sound manner that improves socio-economic status of the citizens of the county. Strategic outcomes: Under the plan, the strategic outcomes were primarily mapped into the following four (4) key thematic areas: Water governance; Water service management; Water and urban sanitation infrastructure; Capacity development and resource mobilisation and practical approaches towards equity and inclusion in the water sector.
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