Kakamega Draft Water Policy

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Publisher County Government
Year of Publication 2013
Category Policies and Guidelines Policy Brief
County Kakamega
Description The Kakamega county Water Policy of June, 2014 has been developed in line with the mandate, vision and mission of the Ministry responsible for water affairs in Kakamega County. In essence the Policy is built on the achievements of the sector reform commenced with the new Constitution and the Vision 2030 coming in place to which the county policy is aligned to. The Policy aims at moving the sector to the next level of development in order to contribute to the Kakamega county goals. The country has only one water tower (Lake Victoria North Catchment Area) which is faced with severe degradation due to human activities. Without its protection and conservation the ecosystem services and water security in the county would worsen having a negative effect on the economic development of Kakamega County and the living conditions of its population. The county Government of Kakamega is committed to ensuring the realization of the constitutional requirement to 'the right to water' which is not easy to achieve unless combined effort is put in the same basket. Nevertheless, through this policy and the collective commitment of water sector stakeholders, the county government is determined to meet its obligations. This policy also takes into account obligations of the county with regard to regional and international arrangements related to water resources management and environment, such as trans-boundary or shared water sources Framework. Hence the Ministry responsible for water affairs in collaboration with its stakeholders, development partners and local communities shall ensure that the policy objectives and the guiding principles outlined in this policy and subsequent specific and detailed strategies based on it are fully implemented, monitored and evaluated for optimal impact. We are grateful to the organization and individuals who contributed to the development of this policy. These include TCA Consultant, my Ministry Staff; especially Sub County Water Officers, Environment officers the private sector, and many individual citizens of Kakamega County. It is therefore my considered expectation that this policy will serve this county as envisaged. I would like to encourage all water sector stakeholders, development partners and communities in Kakamega County to work in harmony for the realization of this policy towards the driving motto of 'water for all'. 
Tags 9abf5e9ae052a54b412521a7099ee3b3, Water & Sanitation


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