Kenya RMNCAH Investment Framework March 2016

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2016
County All/General

...This report presents Kenyas Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) Investment Framework for Kenya to realize the Vision 2030, the Constitution of 2010 and the Health Sector Strategic and Investment Plan 2014-18 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Kenya has made remarkable progress in improving RMNCAH outcomes during the last decade. Child mortality has declined by over 20 percent since 2008 and the country achieved a total fertility rate (TFR) of less than four. Stunting, which remained stubbornly high over the past two decades, has started to decline. Six out of ten pregnant women now receive skilled care at childbirth and over half get postnatal care. However, in Kenya today, many women, neonates, children, and adolescents continue to suffer or die from conditions, which are preventable or treatable. Access to quality RMNCAH services still remains a challenge across all levels of care, while geographic, population sub-groups, and economic inequities persist due to supply and demand side barriers

Tags kenya, rmncah, investment, framework, march, 2016, Kenya RMNCAH Investment Framework_March 2016, Counties / General


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