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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2015
County Kisii

The 2016/2017 Kisii County Annual Development Plan (ADP) was formulated in the model ofthe current Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). The Plan was prepared in line withthe requirements of Section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act 2012, and inaccordance with Article 220(2) of the Constitution. The Annual Plan contains the strategicpriority development Programmes/projects that shall be implemented during the financialyear 2016/2017.The Budget preparation process in the Medium Term, adopted the Programme BasedBudgeting approach, where the Sector Working Groups in the county formulated theirrespective sectors budget proposals, policies and Programmes with clear outputs, outcomes aswell as performance indicators which are related to the achievement of the Programmeobjectives. This Annual Plan is therefore framed against a broad fiscal policy and reformmeasures underpinning the budget for the 2016/17 Financial Year, which outlinesexpenditure per priority Programmes as well as allocation of resources to all Sectors of theCounty economy.The forecasts from all the sectors represented at the County level have an approximatecombined budget of Kshs11.7 billion including entire development vote and part of operationand Maintenance services which will be financed by the County Government andDevelopment Partners. The County treasury projects that a significant proportion of theCounty budget shall be financed through County internal resources while it is expected thatthe County Governments development partners shall bridge the gaps.The preparation of the Annual Plan made reference to key County/National Government Policydocuments particularly the Kisii County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2013 2017, theSecond Medium Term Plan (2013 2017) of the Vision 2030, the approved CountyProgramme Based Budget (PBB) 2015/2016, respective Sectorial Strategic Plans (2013 -2017),Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2015-2030, views of the public and developmentpartners. Therefore the preparation of the ADP was a culmination of collaborative efforts thatinvolved stakeholders in both government and outside.The Annual Development Plan is expected to provide the feedback necessary for carrying outthe monitoring and evaluation of projects and Programmes so as to enable informed evidencebased decision making both at the County and at National level. It is also expected thatsuccessful implementation of the projects/Programmes, contained in this Annual Plan willcontribute to better delivery of County goods and services, employment creation, fastereconomic growth, well as poverty reduction in the County.

Tags kisii, annual, development, plan, 2016, 2017, kisii-annual-development-plan-2016-2017, Public Finance


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