Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Kisii

The Annual Development Plan (ADP) is prepared in line with Section 126 of the Public FinanceManagement Act, 2012 and Article 220 of the Constitution of Kenya to guide the budgeting andimplementation of the County projects and programmes in a particular Financial Year. The ADPis linked to the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP), the Countrys blue print, the KenyaVision 2030, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).The Plan outlines priorityprogrammes and projects to be implemented in the Financial Year 2019/2020.The preparation of this ADP was a consultative process involving all the County departmentsand other stakeholders who were involved in the identification of priorities to be include in thisADP. This ADP remains the central nerve of the Kisii peoples aspirations in terms of theprojects and programmes to be implemented in this plan.The implementation of this plan will require substantial amount of resources which then calls forinnovation in the approach and strategies for resource mobilization. This therefore, requiresdetermined effort from all stakeholders both from within and outside to bring on a wider privatepartnership and other development partners for the benefit of the Kisii County residents; allstakeholders to collectively participate in resource mobilization towards the implementation ofthis plan. I therefore call upon all the people of Kisii County to rally behind this plan so that wecan all work together to ensure its successful implementation.

Tags kisii, annual, development, plan, 2019, 2020, kisii-annual-development-plan-2019-2020-, Public Finance


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