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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Kisii

This Annual Development Plan (ADP) is prepared in line with Section 126 of the Public FinanceManagement Act, 2012 as a requirement under Article 220 of the Constitution of Kenya to guidethe budgeting and implementation of the County projects and Programmes in the Financial Year2020/2021. The Plain contains priority development programmes and projects that have beenidentified for implementation over the medium-term period. The projects and programmes aregeared towards addressing development challenges that the County must progressively respond toin order to achieve its vision of prosperity for all in realization of the Kenya Vision 2030 andSustainable Development Goal (SDGs) aspirations.Further, the Plan proposes projects and programmes that will address the Big Four agenda ofthe National Government namely; construction of affordable houses through promotion of the useof cheap and appropriate building technologies and redevelopment of the existing housing estates;value addition on agricultural produce so as to increase incomes and create employment for theyouth; construction and equipping of health facilities to ensure universal health care and throughwater conservation measures, extension services and provision of affordable farm inputs, foodsecurity will be achieved as we move away from reliance on rain fed agricultural practices.The information contained herein is expected to inform and guide the budgeting process for thecoming financial year. This will include the preparation of the County Fiscal Strategy Paper forthe 2020/21 financial year and ultimately the budget estimates for the same period. The CountyGovernment has limited resources and may not adequately finance all the proposed projects andprogrammes contained herein. This therefore, requires determined effort from all stakeholders bothfrom within and outside to bring on a wider private partnership and other development partnersfor the benefit of the Kisii County residents; all stakeholders to collectively participate in resourcemobilization towards the implementation of this Plan. I therefore call upon all the people of KisiiCounty to rally behind this plan so that we can all work together to ensure its successfulimplementation.

Tags kisii, annual, development, plan, 2020, 2021, august, 2019, kisii-annual-development-plan-2020-2021-august-2019-, Public Finance


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