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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2017
County Kisii

The Government of Kenya developed a National Capacity Building Framework NCBF, in 2013 toguide the implementation of its capacity building support for county governments. The program isa key part of the governments Kenya Devolution Support Program - KDSP supported by theWorld Bank. The NCBF spans PFM, Planning and M & E, Human Resource Management,Devolution and Inter-Governmental Relations and Public Participation.The Ministry of Devolution and Planning MoDP, state department of devolution subsequentlycommissioned Matengo Githae & Associates to carry out an Annual Capacity and PerformanceAssessment ACPA in forty seven counties. The ACPA aims to achieve three complementary roles.Evaluating the impact of capacity building support provided by national government anddevelopment partners under the NCBF will inform the introduction of a performance-based grant(the Capacity & Performance Grant, which will be introduced form FY 2016/17) to fund countyexecuted capacity building and to increase the incentives for counties to proactively invest in theirown capacity.In preparation for the assessment process, MoDP carried out an induction and sensitization trainingto the consulting team to help them internalize the objectives of the ACPA, size of capacity andperformance grants, County Governments eligibility criteria, ACPA tool, and the ACPA criteria.This report documents the key issues that arose during the final assessment of Kisii CountyGovernment spanning the methodology used for the assessment, time plan and the overall process,summary of the results, summary of capacity building requirements and the need for follow up,challenges in the assessment in general and the training methods.

Tags kisii, county, annual, capacity, performance, assessment, acpa, report, kisii-county-annual-capacity-performance-assessment-acpa-report, Public Finance


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