Kisii County Government Ministry Of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries And Cooperative Development

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2014
County Kisii

On behalf of the Members of the Task Force, let me take this opportunity to thank the H.E JamesE.O. Ongwae, the Governor of Kisii County and County Minister for Agriculture, Hon. VincentSagwe; first for his timely concern about the challenges facing the coffee sector in Kisii County,and second, for initiating a process for instituting reforms to improve and enhance the sectorsperformance. As members of the task force, we feel honored and privileged to have beenentrusted with the task of looking into the various issues and challenges affecting the coffeesector in order to identify recommendations to spur improvement and safeguard the futuresustainability of sector in the county.Further, on behalf of the task force members, I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to all thestakeholders who participated in this process for their contribution and support. The input ofvarious coffee growers, the coffee societies, Coffee Research Foundation of Kenya (CRFK),various Government Departments and institutions is gratefully acknowledged. I also wish toregister my appreciation to the Government of Ethiopia and the County Government of Nyeri fortheir invaluable input and allowing visitation by members of the task force. This enabled thetaskforce to gather very useful benchmarking facts and information.I am also indebted to our consultant - Brightpath Consulting Limited; who provided technicalsupport and assisted us in finalizing the report. The industry insights and expertise of theconsultant were invaluable. In addition, I would like to express our appreciation to HisExcellency, The Governor and the County Government for the provision of secretariat andlogistical support that enabled us to complete the assignment.Finally, I wish to thank, in a special way, members of the taskforce for their dedication, diligenceand commitment throughout the various stages of the assignment. This task would not have beencompleted without your commitment.

Tags kisii, county, government, ministry, agriculture, livestock, fisheries, and, cooperative, development, kisii-county-government-ministry-of-agriculture-livestock-fisheries-and-cooperative-development, County Planning & Development


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