Kisii County REVISED New SUPPL

Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Kisii

edical tourism hubGovernor Ongwaes dream ofturning Kisii Town into a medicaltourism destination in the LakeVictoria region is fast becoming areality, following the modernizationof the countys largest medicalfacility, the Kisii Teaching andReferral Hospital (KTRH).Today, the KTRH is a one stopshop for medical and healthcareneeds following its transformationby the County leadership.Last year, President Kenyattavisited the KTRH and opened severalnewly constructed facilities worthmillions of shillings, including a 250-bed capacity male ward, a 100-bodycapacity mortuary with histologyand anatomy laboratories nowbeing utilised by Kisii University formedical training. Others includeda doctors hostel, medical wastetreatment and disposal microwaveshredder, funeral parlour-chapel anda 64 slice CT Scan.And more recently thedevelopment of 300 bed capacity,Mother and Child Hospital, whoseconstruction was commissioned byFirst Lady H.E Margaret Kenyatta isprogressing well. The county is alsobuilding a Doctors plaza within thehospital complex.And as counties were requiredto establish at-least 300 beds in thewake of the rising cases of Covid-19infections, the new 250 bed, threestorey male ward came in handy.

Tags kisii, county, revised, new, suppl, kisii-county-revised-new-suppl, County Health Services


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