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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2017
County Kisii

The County Government of Kisii recognizes that the presence of a capable, effective, andforward-looking Public Service that will be able to implement the County Governments 4 | P a g e K C G I C T P o l i c i e s & S t a n d a r d sdevelopment policies and deliver services in an efficient and timely manner, is a prerequisite for fulfilling the good governance goals.The Kisii County Government Integrated Development Plan have included provision ofelectronic services by the public service as one of the indicators for the growth of theICT industry and overall economic growth of the county.KCG ICT Standards focus on mainstreaming of ICT in the KCG to ensure that the countygovernment realizes the potential of ICT in the efficient management of the publicservice and improvement of delivery of services to the general public.The Policies and standards have been developed for specific critical areas of the KCGPublic Service.I would also like to thank Leading Consultants for their expertise in carrying out thedevelopment of the KCG ICT Policy and drafting the KCG ICT Standards.Further appreciation goes to all KCG staff especially from the ICT department and theirofficers who participated in the development of these Policies and Standards.It is my expectation that all Ministries, Departments and agencies will adhere to theStandards set here forthwith.

Tags kisii, directorate, information, communications, technology, kisii-directorate-of-information-communications-technology, Public Finance


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