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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2016
County Kisii

This Fiscal Strategy Paperis the fourth to be prepared for Kisii County Government in accordanceto the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act, 2012 section 117.It sets out the County policygoals and strategic priorities that will be the basis for formulation of the Countys Financial Year2017/18 budget and the Medium Term projections. This is an annual planning document thatshows the various fiscal strategies that the County Government of Kisii intends to employ to meetits overall objective of improving the livelihoods of its citizens.The Fiscal Strategy Paper outlines the Medium-Term Fiscal Framework, which offersmechanisms for entrenching sustainable growth and development for efficient service deliveryin Kisii County. Kisii County Government is dedicated to prudently utilizing the available resources andenhancing fiscal discipline so as improve the living standards of its residents. The County Governmentwill focus in this Fiscal Strategy Paper and in the Medium Term to expand and maintain infrastructuredevelopment specifically roads network, improve health care, increase water reticulation and/ orenvironmental preservation, enhance social protection, increase employment opportunities and reducepoverty levels in the County.This Fiscal Strategy Paper articulates economic policies and structural reforms as well as sectorbased expenditure programmes that the County intends to implement in order to achieve thebroad goal of its development agenda of employment creation and poverty reduction. Inparticular, it emphasizes continued shift of resources in favour of programmes that enhancegrowth and job creation, and to support stronger private sector investment in pursuit of newopportunities in a changing economic environment.This Fiscal Strategy Paper is presented in four Chapters. Chapter one, provides an overview andobjective of the Paper. Chapter Two, outlines the economic context within which the FY2017/18 budget will be prepared. It also presents an overview of the recent economicdevelopments and the macroeconomic outlook covering the Global, National and County scene.Chapter Three presents the Fiscal Policy and Budget Framework that will support plannedgrowth over the medium to long term and Chapter Four presents the resource envelope andspending priorities for the proposed FY 2017/18 budget and medium term, sector ceilings, aswell as sector achievements and priorities are also reviewed.

Tags kisii, fiscal, strategy, paper, october, 2016, kisii-fiscal-strategy-paper-october-2016-, Public Finance


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