Kitui County Budget Implementation Review Report First Quarter FY 2014 /2015

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Publisher Controller of Budget, Kenya
Year of Publication 2014
Category Budget & Fiscal Plans
County Kitui
Description The approved budget for the FY 2014/15 was Kshs.9.36 billion comprising of Kshs.4.58
billion (49.0 per cent) allocated for recurrent expenditure and Kshs.4.77 billion (51.0 per
cent) for development expenditure. This budget will be financed by Kshs.6.32 billion (67.6
per cent) from the national equitable share, Kshs.650.00 million (6.9 per cent) from local
revenue sources, Kshs.2.08 billion (22.3 per cent) being balance brought forward from FY
2013/14, and Kshs.299.72 million from donor funded projects/conditional grant (3.2 per
cent). The equitable share in the budget estimate was Kshs.18.08 million less than the
equitable share for Kitui County in the CARA, 2014.
During the first quarter of FY 2014/15, the County received Kshs.792.56 million as the
national equitable share of revenue, collected Kshs.72.11 million from local sources and had
Kshs.2.22 billion as balance brought forward from FY 2013/14. The local revenue raised in
the first quarter was 11.1 per cent of the annual local revenue target, an improvement from
Kshs.58.85 million collected in the same period of FY 2013/14.
Funds released to the County during the period under review for operations amounted to
Kshs.1.55 billion, of which, Kshs.1.11 billion (71.8 per cent) was for recurrent expenditure
while Kshs.438.61 million (28.2 per cent) was for development activities. 
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