Kwale County Integrated Development Plan

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Publisher County Government
Year of Publication 2013
Category Budget & Fiscal Plans
County Kwale
Description This Plan, mirrors the aspirations of Kenyas national development strategy Vision 2030 and its Medium Term Plan (2013-2017). Vision 2030 is Kenyas national long-term development blue- print that aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens by 2030 in a clean and secure environment. Vision 2030 is anchored on three key pillars; economic, social and political governance. This document is also consistent with the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and the provisions of the County Government Act 2012 which identifies county integrated development planning as an integral step in organizing and coordinating the affairs of county government including effective delivery of public services. Equally the plan is grounded on lessons learnt from the previous District Development Plans which were operational in the 4 main Sub-Counties of Kwale. Preparation of this strategy was also done through wider consultations with the people of Kwale county and development partners. The county plans to realize her vision through 9 strategic platforms. The first component will be investment in education technical and vocational training to meet the human capital needs of the county. Agriculture, livestock and fisheries is another sector of focus in the next 5-years. The county government will ensure there is more prospects for research, extension services and facilitate improvements in production, processing and marketing of agricultural related products to ensure the county is food secure and provides more opportunities for job creation among the urban and rural populations. Land and environment is the third platform in the county development agenda. Taking cognizance of the squatter problem and adverse competition in terms of natural resource use which often breeds conflicts, the county government will engage the National Land Commission to address the land tenure issues while strengthening the capacity of natural resources management institutions to provide sustainable environmental stewardship. Kwale has a competitive edge in terms of trade, industry, mining and tourism due to its strategic location and natural assets. As the fourth thematic development priority, the county government will create conducive investment environment through formulating attractive policies and legislations that provide competitive regulatory safeguards to investors while ensuring that the county retains commensurate share of the revenue generated from such development ventures. The county recognizes that bringing up a healthy population is key to achieving rapid economic development. The county will therefore invest in health infrastructure, staffing, and medical supplies and other essential components of health service delivery. Good governance is key to building an accountable and transparent county government. Deliberate efforts will therefore be made to create opportunities for citizen participation in county decision making processes and that institutions will be reformed to ensure that systems and practices of service delivery are responsive and accountable to the people. For any meaningful development to occur, the county needs a stable and secure environment where people can live without fear of losing their lifes or property. The county government will work with agencies of government and community institutions to address historical grievances that trigger perpetual conflicts. Job creation through increased investments in the county would create income generating opportunities for young people which would deter them from engaging in crimes. Kwale has diverse social and cultural assets which can be harnessed to create wealth to the people. The county government will therefore initiate social and cultural investment programs to tap the great potential the sector offers. To successfully implement this 5 year CIDP, the county government requires KES 36 billion where KES 20 billion will go towards development expenditure and KES 16 billion for recurrent.
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