Machakos County Budget Review And Outlook Paper 2018

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Machakos

...Machakos County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP 2018) was prepared pursuant to Section 118 of the Public Financial Management Act, 2012. This review document focused on the fiscal year ending June 2018 compared with the year on year growth for similar period in previous years. The global outlook revealed a stable macroeconomic variability with a 3.9 percent growth in the GDP supported by increased outputs in most sectors, low inflation, tighter monetary policies and stability of prices of crude oil and associated petroleum products. Locally the County fiscal analysis for FY 2017/2018 revealed a subdued performance in both revenues and expenditure compared to similar period in FY 2016/2017. The County Government is conscious to the Big Four Agenda i.e. food security, affordable housing, universal healthcare and manufacturing. It is worth noting that the County Government of Machakos will play a host to some of the housing units as envisaged in the provision of affordable housing agenda as well being one of the counties selected to pilot the universal healthcare programme.The County expenditure performance revealed a slowdown in budget absorption rate especially on development expenditure from Kshs. 2.3billion in FY 2016/2017 to about Kshs. 1.6billion in FY 2017/2018.

Tags machakos, county, Machakos County Budget Review And Outlook Paper 2018, Public Finance


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