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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2015
County Makueni

The Kenya Constitution, 2010, provides for two distinct and interdependent levels ofgovernment the national and the county governments. The County Government Act,2012 states that each county shall prepare a County Integrated Development Plan(CIDP) which shall be the basis for all budgeting and spending of public funds. It alsostates that a county government shall plan for the county and no public funds shall beappropriated outside a planning framework developed by the county executivecommittee and approved by the county assembly. The Public Finance ManagementAct, 2012 stipulates that the County Executive in charge of planning shall submit to theCounty Assembly Annual Development Plan by September 1st every year.The annual development plan for Makueni County provides comprehensive guidelinesin budgeting, project funding, monitoring and evaluation of all the projects for thefinancial year 2015-16. It will also facilitate proper coordination with the nationalgovernment and other stakeholders in order to improve the well-being of the countycitizens. The Kenya Vision 2030 and its Medium Term Plans provided the foundationfor the preparation of the first CIDP for Makueni County. The integrated developmentplanning framework is formulated to enhance linkage between policy, planning andbudgeting. The CIDP is implemented through successive five year annual developmentplans.This is the second Annual Development Plan for the County; the process of projectidentification was highly consultative as provided for in the County Governments Act2012. Various consultative forums were organized at the county, sub-county and wardlevels to identify the projects and programmes. The information gathered wascomplemented with the views received during budget consultations in the County.In each department, annual work plans and procurement plans will be drawn to outlineprojects to be undertaken during that year. The County expects to reap tremendousbenefits from continuous input of the public, state and other non-state actors duringidentification, planning, implementation and evaluation of projects and programmes.

Tags makueni, county, annual, development, plan, 2015, 2016, makueni-county-annual-development-plan-2015-2016, Public Finance


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