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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Makueni

The Countys long-term development blue print, the Makueni Vision 2025 aims at ensuringsocio-economic transformation by the year 2025. The Vision is implemented through the CountyIntegrated Development Plan (CIDP), which is further broken down into Annual DevelopmentPlans (ADPs). The ADP for the Financial Year 2020/2021 implements the second medium termplan CIDP (2018 2022) pursuant to section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act(PFMA) 2012. The focus of the plan is to integrate community development for increasedhousehold income and empowerment opportunities for the youth.The plan seeks to contribute to the development goal by; increasing agricultural productivity,value addition and commercialization; increasing availability and access to water; enhancingquality health care for all; youth, women and people living with disability (PWD) economicempowerment; and having secure land tenure and urbanization.In a bid to be in line with other national and international development plans this plan presentsbroad strategies for the FY 2020/2021, which are aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), Kenya Vision 2030, the Medium-Term Plan III and the Big Four Agenda. This planprovides for resource allocation frameworks and strategies to enhance resource mobilizationthrough the various resources such as equitable share, conditional allocations, loans and grantsand own source revenue mobilization.The overall development framework for the FY 2020/21 is anchored on five broad pillarsnamely; integrated community development, establishing the village clusters as the planning andimplementation units, utilizing CTTIs as vehicles of community empowerment, strengtheningcooperatives for economic empowerment and youth empowerment. The overall objective toaccelerate economic development will be achieved by strengthening integrated communitydevelopment approach. I hereby urge all of us to play our part in actualizing this plan since it is ashared responsibility. This is critical as it will bring about faster socio-economic transformationof our County and improve the incomes and livelihoods of our people.

Tags makueni, county, annual, development, plan, adp, 2020, 21, makueni-county-annual-development-plan-adp-2020-21, Public Finance


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