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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Makueni

The 2017/18 Annual Progress Report is the last report on the First Generation CountyIntegrated Development Plan (CIDP 2013-2017). The report provides information on theprogress made in the implementation of projects and programmes, challenges encountered andrecommendations for future implementation. The report is structured into three chapters. Thefirst chapter presents the background of the report, how the report links with Kenya Vision 2030,MTP II, Makueni Vision 2025, and The CIDP I (2013-2017), and the ADP 17/18. The chapteralso explains the legal basis of the report, the methodology used and challenges faced during thepreparation of the report. Chapter two present departmental performance in respective thematicareas. The third chapter which is final explain specific challenges and offers recommendationsfor improving performance.

On community economic empowerment: Agriculture, Livestock and fisheries, several Valuechain were promoted; the legume, fruits, Dairy and poultry development. Industrial cropsfarming and production was enhanced. 3,600 farmers were capacity build on household farmponds to increase on food security. Mechanization Centre was completed and equipped andagricultural extension services enhanced through equipping with ICT. Pest and diseases controlcampaigns were carried out through radio talks, vaccinations and veterinary camps. On localindustrialization, Investment promotion guideline and policy were developed. Feasibility studyfor slaughter house and tannery carried out, mapping of cottage industries done among otherinfrastructure development on market sheds and stock yards.

Tags makueni, county, annual, progress, report, 2018, makueni-county-annual-progress-report-2018, Public Finance


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