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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Makueni

The Makueni Annual Progress Report 2019 presents a review on implementation of FY 2018/19Makueni County Annual Development Plan (ADP). The report has been prepared analyzing thetargeted programmes in the Annual Development plan versus the actual implemented activitiesfunded under the Budget for FY 2018/19. The report provides an assessment of the extent towhich intended policies, projects and programs under the ADP 2018/19 were implemented,whether or not the objectives were met and the key lessons learned. It reviews the targets,outputs and outcome realized during the ADP 2018/19. This in turn informs the programming forFY 2020/21.The 2018/19 ADP sought to; improve livelihoods through entrepreneurship, agriculture andlivestock production; enhance education, training and life skills for youth; enhance universalhealth care and strengthen the capacity of the community to participate in developmentprocesses and enable them to address their development challenges by leveraging on existingopportunities.In the FY 2018/19, the revenue performance recorded 8% deviation from the targeted revenuesunder the ADP and the printed estimates for FY 2018/19. In the plan period, the county attainedunqualified audit report signifying the strengthened financial accountability and governancemechanisms. Key achievements in the financial year include; production of 5,040 drums ofpuree, 3,306 Ha under green grams translating to annual production of 1,636 MT of grains,initiated construction of Makindu Grain Processing Plant, carried out 7,919 ArtificialInseminations, distributed 19,540 chicks to farmers and supported 1,250 households to develophousehold water harvesting and irrigation.On trade and cooperative development, the county managed to train 260 MSMEs, rehabilitated 7market sheds audited 55 cooperatives and put in place infrastructure required for the licensing bythe Central Bank ENE microfinance bank. The lands department managed to issue 18,047 titledeeds while health department enhanced the Universal health care coverage to 66,000 HH andoperationalized the Makindu Trauma Centre. Other achievements include; construction of 45sand dams/earth dams, construction of Thwake bridge which is at 70 per cent, graveled160.7Km, 252.4 Km of new roads and light graded 1326 Km of the county roads.The County has managed to implement 58% of the planned development agenda in the FY2018/19. The low implementation has been attributed by factors such as; weak linkage betweenplanning and budgeting, variance in projects as prioritized by the communities versus targetedprograms in the ADP, lack of funds to implement planned programmes. The county will ensurethere is: more linkage between planning and budgeting; resource requirements are aligned withavailable budgets; external resource mobilization is enhanced; multi-sectoral linkages arepromoted; capacity of staff in procurement, project management is enhanced and a monitoringand evaluation (M&E) framework is instituted to ascertain programs and project performancesand timely implementation of projects.The County Treasury will ensure proper predesign and costing of programs through preparationof detailed concept notes and restructuring the participatory budgeting process, to ensure it isguided by the priorities as identified in the ADPs and project concept notes. This will ensurecommunities make informed decisions while prioritizing programmes and projects.

Tags makueni, county, annual, progress, report, c, apr, 2019, on, adp, fy, 2018, 19, august, 2019, makueni-county-annual-progress-report-c-apr-2019-on-adp-fy-2018-19-august-2019, Public Finance


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