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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2016
County Makueni

This County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) 2016, is the fourth to beprepared by the County Government in accordance with the Public FinancialManagement Act, 2012. The paper presents the recent economic developments andactual fiscal performance of the FY 2015/16. In addition the paper gives an outlook ofthe Financial Years 2016/17 and 2017/18.The paper reviews the economic performance at the National and County Governmentlevel for the period 2015/16 financial year. The national economic performance givesan indication of fiscal projections that are likely to impact the County Governmentfunding for the FY 2017/18. The County performance is assessed by reviewing Countybudget absorption rates, revenue generation strategies performance and projectsimplementation status.The paper serves as a baseline for financial resource allocation and sector ceilings for2017/18 financial year. The budget review paper considers the strategic interventionsidentified in the Makueni County Vision, 2025, County Integrated Development Paper(CIDP), County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2016, and County Annual Development Plan(ADP) 2017/18. These strategic documents spell interventions aimed at acceleratingSocio-Economic Transformation agenda. The paper ensures linkage between planningand budgeting by prioritizing identified interventions in the ADP during budgetfinalization.

Tags makueni, county, budget, review, and, outlook, paper, 2016, makueni-county-budget-review-and-outlook-paper-2016, Public Finance


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