Makueni County Debt Management Strategy Paper.

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2021
County Makueni

The Medium Term Debt Strategy Paper is prepared annually on a three year rolling basis andguides the County Governments public debt management and borrowing to ensuresustainability for each fiscal year and the over the Medium term.Public Debt Management is the process of establishing and executing a strategy for managingthe Government's debt. This is done in order to raise the required amount of funding to meetany arising budget deficit necessary to realize the objectives set by government.The Debt Strategy Paper seeks to act as a guideline for debt management practices of theCounty Government including the issuance process, management of the debt portfolio, andadherence to various laws and Regulations governing debt contracting and management. Itguides in pursuing the desired structure of the public debt portfolio which reflects its choiceon cost and risk tradeoffs.The Makueni County development blue print Vision 2025 aims at achieving acceleratedand inclusive economic growth and development; improved access to quality water andhealth services, access to quality education, increased job creation increased householdincomes and sustainable food security. Over the years, the Government has implementedprograms within the available fiscal space. In the medium term, as the Government seeks torealize the agenda for socio economic transformation, it will be seeking to enhance itsresource mobilization strategies and expand the available fiscal space through enhancing ownsource revenue and engaging development partners, initiating PPPs and seeking loans.The County Government of Makueni has no plans of incurring debt in the financial year2021/2022. The Countys Budget will be balanced with the resource envelope availablehence, there will be no anticipated need for deficit financing. However, the Government willcontinuously manage its cash flow through short term lending from commercial banks tooffset delays in equitable share disbursements and own source revenue mobilization.

Tags makueni, county, debt, management, strategy, paper, Makueni County Debt Management Strategy Paper., Public Finance


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