MANDERA COUNTY Kutulo Water Pan And Irrigation Project

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Mandera

This is one of the Big four agenda project(food Security and nutrition). Kutulo waterpan and Irrigation Project is located atKutulo:Malbe, Kutulo sub County, ManderaCounty. The project targets one thousandfive hundred (1500) acres of irrigable landand 1600 farmers as beneficiaries. The mainsource of water is 200,000m3 water pan to beconstructed (project component). Theproject target, is to determine and developan optimal irrigable area within Malbe villagethrough the development of efficientconveyance and irrigation systems includingwater storage reservoirs. The idea of theproject was proposed by the Governor asultimate measure of ensuring food securityto the vulnerable community.

Tags mandera, county, kutulo, water, pan, and, irrigation, project, MANDERA COUNTY Kutulo Water Pan and Irrigation project, Water & Sanitation


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