Module 1: What Are Counties Responsible For? Participant Manual

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Publisher International Budget Partnership (IBP)
Year of Publication 2016
Category Policies and Guidelines Handbook
County All/General
Description By the end of this module, you will have:
? identified the functions assigned to the national government and county governments, according to the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution;
? examined the division of functions between national and county government, especially for the education, health, and agriculture sectors;
? pointed out gaps in clarity about the functions assigned to national and county government, especially for the education, health, and agriculture sectors;
? reviewed the August 2013 Gazette notice issued by the Transition Authority on the transfer of functions and been made aware of subsequent notices that have not yet been released;
? learned about county revenue sources (national and own revenues)
? studied data at county and ward level from various data sets as a starting point for identifying county priorities; and
? examined an existing county development plan in order to consider how to move from a plan to a budget.
Tags cf413446f2f9976a734a646af3859f60, Public Finance


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