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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2017
County Mombasa

This County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP), prepared in accordance with thePublic Finance Management Act, 2012 is the fifth to be prepared under the newdispensation. It presents the recent economic developments and actual fiscal performanceof the FY 2016/2017 and makes comparisons to the budget appropriations for the sameyear. It further provides updated forecasts with sufficient information to show changesfrom the projections outlined in the latest County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP), released inOctober 2016. In this Paper, we will also provide an overview of how the actualperformance of the FY 2016/2017 affected the Countys compliance with the fiscalresponsibility principles and the financial objectives as detailed in the 2017 CFSP.This is the last CBROP that will be prepared within the last County IntegratedDevelopment Plan 2013-2017 as the County embarks on preparing the second generationCounty Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022 that will outline the Countys planningframework that will guide county budgeting, project funding, monitoring and evaluation.In this CBROP the County is re-emphasizing the Governments fiscal policy strategy, whichfocuses on maintaining a strong revenue effort and shifting composition of expenditurefrom recurrent to productive capital expenditures and optimally ensuring efficiency andeffectiveness in the use of public resources. A strategy that recognizes the need to strike abalance between growth and fiscal sustainability, with emphasis on higher investments inthe social sectors and infrastructure development for a stronger and more durable growthtomorrow.As outlined in the CFSP, the development agenda will be implemented through the fivemajor priority sectors; investing in quality and accessible health care services, provision ofquality education, Water and Transport Infrastructure development and improved landservices. The implementation of programs under these five strategic sectors is expected toraise efficiency and Productivity in the Countys economy and in turn accelerate andsustain inclusive growth, create opportunities for productive growth and ensure highstandards of living for Mombasa County residents.The County Treasury will link this CBROP with the other budgetary policy documents asstipulated in the PFM Act.

Tags mombasa, county, budget, review, and, outlook, paper, mombasa-county-budget-review-and-outlook-paper, Public Finance


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