Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Mombasa

The County Government of Mombasa is determined to improve access to quality essential health careservices and ensure that the health sector plays its role in the realization of Vision 2030. The development ofthe County Human Resource for Health (HRH) Strategic Plan July 2015- June 2018, is a critical step towardsmeeting this commitment. The HRH Strategic Plan aligns to health sector and County HRH priorities andsupports the County Health Strategy and Investment Plan whose strategic objectives include to: eliminatecommunicable conditions; halt and reverse the rising burden of non-communicable conditions; reduce theburden of violence and injuries; provide essential health care; minimize exposure to health risk factors andstrengthen collaboration with health related stakeholders. This calls for availability and equitable distributionof skilled health workers.The Plan aligns with the County Health Departments mandate to provide high quality health care services tothe public in support of MombasaCountys Vision of being a vibrantregional commercial hub withhigh quality of life for its residents.Mombasa County recognizesthat HRH constraints are acritical ingredient hamperinghealth services planning, servicedelivery and ultimately nationalhealth outcomes. The myriads ofHRH challenges experienced atthe County during the transitionto devolved management ofhealth workforce point to thebackground that prioritizesthe development of MombasaCounty HRM Strategic Plan..Figure 1. H.E. The Governor Ali Hassan Joho accompanied by County Health Department Team at CPGHThe County has boldly taken on the task of defi ning long-term strategies for addressing the constraints tohuman resource development and management so as to effectively improve health service delivery. Thisstrategy presents an analysis of the current human resources situation in the County, the contextual factors,some of the infl uences, key issues and constraints. To address these issues, the Plan proposes a series ofinterlinked strategies to remedy the situation and improve the quality and effi ciency of service delivery tothe public, and improve key health indicators in Mombasa County.While acknowledging the human resource challenges, the Mombasa County through the County HealthDepartment is committed to providing effective leadership to facilitate the implementation of this StrategicPlan. The County Department of Health is therefore urged to identify with the Countrys HRH priorities forfi nancing and implementation. We recognize that successful implementation of the Strategic Plan requires theconcerted effort and commitment from a wide range of County stakeholders including the County PublicService Management Department, the County Public Service Board, the Finance Department, the CountyHR Department and the Committee of Health of the County Assembly. In this regard, the County HealthDepartment will continue to provide stewardship in implementation of the Strategic Plan. This Strategic Planis highly welcome because it constitutes a signifi cant addition to our HRH interventions as the devolutionof health services take shape in Mombasa County.

Tags mombasa, county, human, resources, for, health, hrh, strategic, plan, mombasa-county-human-resources-for-health-hrh-strategic-plan, County Health Services


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