Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Wajir

...Integrated Development Planning is a process through which an overall framework for development is formulated. It is a super planning for an entity and aims to co-ordinate the development efforts of all divisions within the municipality in a coherent manner. Integrated development planning takes cognizance of the existing conditions, challenges and resources available for development. The plan provides a framework for governance, management, administration and provision of infrastructure for effective delivery of services to the residents and visitors of the municipality.The Plan is divided into nine chapters. Chapter one,highlights the Kenya Urban Support Programme background, project objectives, importance of Integrated Urban Development Plan and general problem statement. Chapter two, gives the background information on the socio-economic and infrastructural status of the municipality.The chapter provides description of the Municipality in terms of the location, size, physio graphic and natural conditions, demographic profiles as well as the administrative and political units. Chapter three,explain the legal framework for the Integrated Development Plan and its linkages with other existing legal and policy documents.Chapter four,explains the methodology used in the preparation of the Integrated Development plan. Chapter five,expounds the existing situation within the municipality. Chapter six,highlights the municipal spectra and development strategies. Some of the strategies explained include; Municipal infrastructure and provision of services,Municipal environment, Municipal governance, Municipal economy amongst others.Chapter seven,analyses the municipal strategic direction and implementation framework for the various proposed projects and programmes.Chapter eight,identifies and examines the various institutions and structures to be put in place to facilitate implementation of the plan.Chapter nine,outlines the Monitoring and Evaluation institutional arrangements that will track and report on the Municipality IDeP implementation progress. It also describes monitoring and evaluation structure, data collection analysis, reporting and implementation processes.

Tags municipality, wajir, county, five, year, integrated, development, plan, idep, 2019, 2024, Wajir Municipality Five year Intergrated Development plan 2019-2024, Wajir Municipal five year IDep 2019-2024, County Planning & Development


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