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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Nandi

The Government of Kenya developed a National Capacity Building Framework(NCBF), in 2013 to guide the implementation of its capacity building support forcounty governments. The program is a key part of the governments KenyaDevolution Support Program (KDSP) supported by the World Bank. The NCBF spansPublic Finance Management (PFM), Planning and M & E, Human ResourceManagement, Civic Education and Public Participation and InvestmentImplementation and Social and Environmental Performance.The Ministry of Devolution and ASAL (MoDA), State Department of Devolutionsubsequently commissioned Prestige Management Solution Limited (PMSL) to carryout an Annual Capacity and Performance Assessment (ACPA) in the forty-sevencounties. This report focuses on the County Government of Nandi. It is in the formerRift Valley Province. It borders Baringo County to the east, Vihiga and Kakamegacounties to the west, Uasin Gishu County to the north, Kisumu County to the southand Kericho County to the southeast.

Tags nandi, annual, capacity, performance, assessement, acpa, report, The Government of Kenya developed a National Capacity Building Framework (NCBF), in 2013 to guide the implementation of its capacity building support for county governments. The program is a key part of the governments Kenya Devolution Support Program (KDSP) supported by the World Bank. The NCBF spans Public Finance Management (PFM), Planning and M & E, Human Resource Management, Civic Education and Public Participation and Investment Implementation and Social and Environmental Performance. The Ministry of Devolution and ASAL (MoDA), State Department of Devolution subsequently commissioned Prestige Management Solution Limited (PMSL) to carry out an Annual Capacity and Performance Assessment (ACPA) in the forty-seven counties. This report focuses on the County Government of Nandi. It is in the former Rift Valley Province. It borders Baringo County to the east, Vihiga and Kakamega counties to the west, Uasin Gishu County to the north, Kisumu County to the south and Kericho County to the southeast., Public Finance


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