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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2021
County Nandi

The County Treasury has embarked on the process of preparing the Financial Year2021/22 Budget Estimates as required by Section 125(1) (e) of the Public FinanceManagement Act, 2012, and the Constitution of Kenya. Article 201 of the Constitutionrequires openness and accountability, including public participation in financial matters.These requirements have always been upheld in the preparation of the annual CountyBudgets by the County Treasury.This is the Fourth budget to be prepared under the second generation County IntegratedDevelopment Plan (CIDP 2018-2022) and will also form the fifth budget to beimplemented under the Tuga Tai administration. The budget aims at enabling theCounty achieve the objectives of the CIDP, H.E the Governors Manifesto, the Big Fouragenda, the Kenya Vision 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well asother global and regional initiatives.The FY 2021/2022 Budget will endeavor to move the County economy towards a highgrowth trajectory by prioritizing policies, programmes and projects which build on gainsmade so far in key sectors of the County economy including completing, equipping andoperationalizing projects initiated by the County Government since inception. This is in abid to enhancing the productivity of investments done hence value for money. TheBudget will also accord priority to projects that generate a broad based inclusiveeconomic growth, as well as faster job creation and poverty reduction.The FY 2021/22 Budget Estimates is prepared at a time when the global economy isgrappling with the adverse effects of the covid-19 Pandemic and the ensuing containmentmeasures. Advanced economies are projected to contract by 5.8 percent in 2020 from agrowth of 1.7 percent in 2019. Domestically, the Kenyan economy has experiencedsignificant income and productivity losses arising from the pandemic. The economy isestimated to slow down to around 0.6 percent in 2020 from a growth of 5.4 percent in2019. Looking ahead, the economy is projected to recover and grow by about 6.4percent in 2021 and above 6.2 percent over the medium term.CONCEPT NOTES ON THE PROGRAMME BASED BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR FY 2021/2022 Page 3The county economy has not been spared by the outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic and theswift containment measures. In 2020, the County economy was adversely affected by thedisruption of not only the normal lives and livelihoods, but also to a greater extentbusinesses and economic activities. This largely affected the local revenue targets for theyear. The updated Fiscal Economic framework is optimistic, given that the local revenuecollection trend improved after the lifting of the Covid-19 containment measures. Despitethe several challenges that still exist, the County Government will continue with its policyof expenditure rationalization with a view to provide more funds to core services,priority development programs and disaster preparedness.The FY 2021/2022 County Budget will therefore be formulated taking cognizance of suchrisks and incorporate mitigation measures and strategies to increase the economysresilience to cope with such adverse shocks. The fiscal and economic assumptionunderlying the FY 2021/22 budget entail the national post Covid economic recoverystrategy leading to better economic situation within the county through timely release offunds by the National Treasury and improved local revenue collection. This is in additionto the continued implementation of the CIDP projects as well as H.E the GovernorsManifesto. The theme of the FY 2021/2022

Tags nandi, concept, notes, on, programme, based, budget, estimates, for, fy, 2021, 2022, nandi-concept-notes-on-the-programme-based-budget-estimates-for-fy-2021-2022, Public Finance


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