Nandi County Annual Development Plan

Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Nandi

It gives me pleasure to present to you the Nandi County Annual Development Plan (CADP) forthe fiscal year 2020/2021. This is third Annual Development Plan to be prepared under theSecond County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) covering the period 2018-2022. The planhas been prepared in accordance with Section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act(PFMA), 2012 and Article 220(2) of the Constitution of Kenya.The CIDP is a five year plan which sets the strategic mid-term priorities of the countygovernment. It contains programs with specific goals and objectives, cost, implementation plan,monitoring & implementation framework and clear reporting framework. The CIDP forms thebasis for all the budgeting and planning in the county and is implemented through a series of oneyear plans - County Annual Development Plans (CADPs).Preparation of this plan has taken into account proposals contained in the CIDP 2018 2022,priority needs of the residents of Nandi as highlighted during the public participation for CADPand other policy documents. Programmes and projects envisaged in this plan are expected tocontribute to increased access and trade opportunities; propel micro and small scale enterprisesin the county hence generating employment opportunities; provide enabling environment forincreased agricultural production for food security and enhance healthcare.This Plan seeks to mainstream networks and coordination with key stakeholders both within andoutside and in particular, bring on board Public Private Partnerships, Public-Public Partnershipsand other development partners. Implementation of the plan will therefore require collaboratedefforts from all the stakeholders including the development partners, National GovernmentMinistries, Departments and Agencies, County Government and all the residents of the County.

Tags nandi, county, annual, development, plan, nandi county annual development plan, Public Finance


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