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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Nandi

In our pursuit to accelerate the pace of socio-economic development in the County, I ampleased to present the Annual Development Plan (ADP) for the fiscal period 2018/2019.This plan is prepared in accordance with Article 220(2) of the Constitution of Kenya andArticle 126 of the Public Finance Management Act.This Plan identifies the county government departmental key priorities, a number ofstrategies and development programmes that the government and stakeholders willpursue during the financial year 2018/2019, in order to turn around the growthmomentum of the Countys economy. The Financial Year 2018/2019 will see a change ofpriorities to health and sanitation, Roads and Infrastructure, Water, Sports andEducation. Agriculture and cooperative sub- sectors will also remain to be a majorpriority area for the county as it is a mainstay of the county economy. Health sector stillhas a lot of challenges and more resources will be channeled to restructure thehealthcare delivery system and also shift the emphasis to preventive care in order toreduce disease burden and mortality rates.The plan takes into account the strategic priorities for the medium term that reflects thecounty government's priorities, plans and the ever changing financial and economicenvironment. The desired outcome of this plan is alleviation of the high poverty levelsand to stimulate job creation and wealth creation for the county residents.The unveiling of this annual development plan for FY 2018/19 is a clear demonstrationof our commitment to the realization of our county vision of being the leading county inKenya where people are empowered Economically, Socially and politically throughequitable sharing of resources to achieve the highest standards of Living.In summary, the plan provides the basis for strong linkage between policy, planningand budgeting and the spring board for realizing socioeconomic transformation underthe new devolved system of government.

Tags nandi, county, annual, development, plan, cadp, 2018, 2019, nandi-county-annual-development-plan-cadp-2018-2019, Public Finance


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