Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Nandi

It gives me pleasure to present the First County Annual Progress Report (CAPR I))for the Second Nandi County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP 2018- 2022). ThisReport presents achievements made during the Financial Year 2018/2019 by theCounty Government of Nandi. The County Integrated Development Plan seeks toachieve a sustainable and all inclusive socio-economic transformation for theresidents of Nandi by 2022. The Plan is based on the same structure as the KenyaVision 2030 and the third Medium Term Plan with Foundations for Socio- EconomicTransformation anchoring the Economic, Social and Political pillars with focus onthe National Government Big Four Agenda. It is expected to deliver acceleratedand inclusive economic growth, higher standards of living, better education andhealthcare, increased job creation especially for youth, commercialized agricultureproviding higher rural incomes and affordable food and improved manufacturingsector in the county.This report provides an opportunity to look back at the year and evaluate thecountys progress on the goals set, reflect on achievements, identify keydevelopment constraints and propose strategies that the government andstakeholders will pursue in order to enhance the growth momentum of the countyseconomy. It notes that implementation of the CIDP is firmly in progress withsignificant achievements recorded in the path to realizing universal quality andaccessible health care; infrastructure development; quality Early ChildhoodDevelopment; increased Agricultural production and Cooperatives Development;Youth empowerment and Revenue growth. We are convinced that a firm foundationhas been laid for successful implementation of the collective aspirations of ourcitizens. The report has identified delays in release of funds by the NationalTreasury, prolonged procurement processes and low allocation of funds toprogrammes and projects as top implementation challenges that the county mustprogressively respond to in order to achieve its vision.As the County moves on with the implementation of the Plan, the need fordedication and sustainable momentum in the implementation cannot be gainsaid.This will inevitably require commitment and effective participation of all the stateand non-state actors together with all the development partners. The Government onits part is committed to effective implementation of the Plan. It is expected thateffective feedback to government will increase learning and encourage remedialactions towards development initiatives. It is my sincere hope that this report will beuseful in updating the residents of Nandi on strides made in the First Year of theCounty Integrated development Plan (CIDP 2018-2022).

Tags nandi, first, county, annual, progress, report, capr, i, fy, 2018, 2019, nandi-first-county-annual-progress-report-capr-i-fy-2018-2019, Public Finance


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