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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2014
County Narok

...TThe Narok County AIDS Strategic Plan (NCASP) 2014/15-2018/19, is a strategic guide for the Countys response to HIV and AIDS. It is the first 5-year plan for the County that addresses the drivers of the HIV epidemic and guides the response to HIV and AIDS. NCASP development is in line with the Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework (KASF), which is aligned to the Kenya Vision 2030 and the Constitution of Kenya 2010. It aims to provide universal access to comprehensive HIV prevention, care and treatment for all people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS.With the expiry of the Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP III) in 2013/2014, the need arose to come up with the KASF to give direction in HIV multi-sectoral response. Devolution of health services in 2010 necessitated the development of NCASP 2014/2015-2018/2019 to guide HIV response in the County.The development of this document started with stakeholder involvement in 2014 at Maasai Mara University and a series of activities have taken place to culminate in the development of the final document. This plan is instrumental towards achieving Vision 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and County performance contract obligations.The NCASP will ensure that home-grown innovative interventions are implemented to give direction in HIV response in the County. This will bring together all sectors within the County for better coordination, governance and synergy which will translate into improved responsiveness.To this end, the County Government through the Department of Health and Sanitation is committed to implement the interventions spelt out in this document. Furthermore, the County Government commits itself to increase domestic funding for HIV prevention, care and treatment in order to decrease the morbidity and mortality related to the epidemic.

Tags Narok County HIVAIDS Strategic Plan 2014-2019, County Health Services


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