National Urban Development Policy (NUDP) Making Process

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Publisher International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
Year of Publication 2012
Category Papers and Articles Policies and Guidelines
County All/General
Description After about 20 years of false starts, Kenyans promulgated a brand new Constitution on August 27, 2010. With the stroke of the pen our President publicly declared the Constitution passed As expected, there was a decent number of dissenting voices. No matter the supreme law of the land had been accepted by all, both those who had voted NOand those who had voted YES. That is the essence of democracy. The majority rule!!! With the promulgation it was assumed that all the issues would be resolved overnight almost. That is how the Constitution had been sold to Kenyans. The Constitution of Kenya 2010 (COK 2010) was replacing the earlier one which had served us since Independence from Britain in 1963. In its days it had been amended so many times that it had lost shape, sense, form and even substance. It was a secret document, in that it was not accessible to all citizens.

After its (COK 2010) passage came the real work. Implementation. I could say that this part was rarely if ever mentioned. The Presidential Ink had barely dried before there was talk of what needed to be done in order to realize the fruits of the Kenya Constitution 2010 (KC 2010). There were policies and laws to be passed so as to properly and effectively ground the new Constitutional Order. One such policy was the Natioinal Urban Development Policy (NUDP). I was privileged to be invited to partipate and lead one of the ten Thematic Groups in the NUDP making process. The other laws and policies were to do with Security, the Judiciary, Governance and Devolution, and Finance. It was deemed necessary and appropriate to have a Commission to Impelement the Constitution. The previous year (2009) the National Land Policy had been approved by Parliament, with the active participation of the ISK (the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya). This itself was a milestone achievement, after many previous attempts failed. 
Tags Counties / General


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