Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Nyamira

...County Executive Committee member to submit budget estimates and otherdocuments to County Executive Committee for approval.129. (1) A County Executive Committee member for finance shall submit to the CountyExecutive Committee for its approval(a) the budget estimates and other documents supporting the budget of the countygovernment, excluding the county assembly; and(b) the draft Bills at county level required to implement the county government budget, insufficient time to meet the deadlines prescribed by this section.(2) Following approval by the County Executive Committee, the County ExecutiveCommittee member for finance shall(a) submit to the county assembly the budget estimates, supporting documents, and anyother Bills required to implement the budget, except the Finance Bill, by the 30th April inthat year; and(b) ensure that the estimates submitted in subsection (a) are in accordance with theresolutions adopted by county assembly on the County Fiscal Strategy Paper.(3) Each county assembly clerk shall prepare and submit to the county assembly the budgetestimates for the county assembly and a copy shall be submitted to the Count ExecutiveCommittee member for finance.(4) The County Executive Committee member for finance shall prepare and present his orher comments on the budget estimates presented by the county assembly clerk.(5) The County Executive Committee member for finance shall ensure that the budgetprocess is conducted in a manner and within a timeframe sufficient to permit theparticipants in the process to meet the requirements of the Constitution and this Act.(6) As soon as is practicable after the budget estimates and other documents have beensubmitted to the County Assembly under this section, the County Executive Committeemember for finance shall publish and publicise the documents.

Tags nyamira, county, committee, report, on, budget, estimate, fy, 2019, 2020, Nyamira County Committee Report on The Estimates FY 2019-2020, Public Finance


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