Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Nyandarua

The County Treasury has concluded the coordination process for the preparation of the 2020/21Budget estimates. The preparation process entailed extensive consultations between the Countytechnical Departments, members of the public, the County Executive Committee among otherstakeholders. The same was duly tabled before the County Executive Committee and approved.Section 129 (1) of the PFM Act, requires that the County Executive Committee Member forFinance to submit to the County Executive Committee for its approval:a) The Budget Estimates and other documents supporting the Budget of the County Government,excluding the County Assembly; andb) The draft Bills at County level required to implement the County Government Budget,insufficient time to meet the deadlines prescribed by this section.The contents of these Budget estimates are in line with all the provisions of the PFM Act, 2012and its supporting regulations for 2015. The approved Annual Development Plan, FY 2020/21which is an extract of the CIDP2 gave the projects and programs to be incorporated in thesebudget estimates. The allocations to various programs were guided by the ceilings as providedfor in the approved County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP), 2020/21 with deviations as captured inthe Statement of Deviation. The reasons for deviation have succinctly been captured therein.The budgeted revenues in line with the Budget Policy Statement (BPS) have increased comparedto 2019/20. Overall, the County resource envelope is Kshs. 6,866,689,050.The priority programs and projects outlined in this Program Based Budget captures theprioritization of Countys expenditure which ensures allocation of scarce resources to ongoingprojects and those programs which have the greatest impact to the County citizens in terms ofimproving economic growth, increasing employment opportunities, reducing poverty whilstachieving equitable distribution of resources. It is of the essence that projects that have beenaffected in the FY 2019/20 budget are prioritized in the FY 2020/21 in pursuit of meeting the goalsand objectives of the citizenry of the County.It provides the key priority programs to be funded in 2020/21 and provides projected estimates forthe medium term. To enhance efficiency and coordination, the budget has clearly definedoutcomes, priority objectives, expected outputs, and performance indicators for the definedprograms. Among the contents of this PBB are flagship projects that are expected to be of benefit ivto the County at large for the socio-economic transformation. Overall, the development allocationfor 2020/2021 is at 34.8% that is within the confines of the fiscal responsibility principle on theproportional requirement of expenditure on development..To ensure prudence and transparency in the management of public resources, the Budget Estimatescontained herein have adhered to the fiscal responsibility principles as set out in section 107 of thePFM Act 2012. The County will endeavour to employ greater transparency, effectiveness,efficiency and economy in the management of public resources.

Tags nyandarua, approved, programme, based, budget, estimates, for, fy, 2020, 21, nyandarua-approved-programme-based-budget-estimates-for-the-fy-2020-21, Public Finance


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