Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Nyandarua

The County launched its second-generation County Integrated Development Plan, 2018-2022(CIDP2) on 9th July, 2018. This plan was a culmination of rigorous process which entailedreview of the first generation CIDP, (2013-17), Participatory Rural & Urban Appraisal, draftingof the plan, validation by members of the public (segmented into business groups, religiousleaders, professionals among others), approval by County Executive Committee and theCounty Assembly. Further inputs from the Vision 2030 secretariat, state departments ofDevolution and Planning, Kenya Institute of Public Policy and Research Analysis (KIPPRA),Dyer and Blair investment Bank among others informed the content of the CIDP2.The design of the CIDP as per the national guidelines is that five-year programmes areorganized into annual programmes. Each of those annual programmes constitutes the AnnualDevelopment Plans which are prepared annually and inform the annual budget estimates. ADPpreparation process is guided by Section 126 of the Public Finance Management Act 2012, andin accordance with Article 220(2) of the Constitution.The programmes contained in the ADP are determined by identifying the sectoral prioritieswhich must be inline with all County and National development blueprint including theGovernors manifesto, Sectoral Plans, Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2063,Presidential Big Four Agenda, among others. Critical considerations in terms of resourcerequirements based on the County resource endowments, prioritization of ongoing, high impactprojects are important guides. The peoples voice is of paramount importance in ensuring thatprogrammes earmarked for implementation are in tandem with existing needs at the grassrootlevel. Towards this, interested parties were given opportunity to submit their proposals forconsideration and inclusion in the 2019/20 ADP through a daily advert dated 20th August, 2018and a further upload in the County website for general viewing and guide.To track the implementation of the plan, a well-structured framework will be set up to monitorand report regularly to various units such as the service delivery unit, County ExecutiveCommittee, the various monitoring and evaluation units, County Assembly, Office of theController of Budget and any other agency requesting for the same. Evaluation of theimplementation will be done to ensure preidentified objectives are being effectively andefficiently achieved. The members of the public who are the claim holders will be involvedat various stages during implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the programmes.It is envisaged that with the implementation of the identified programmes, the County will Page 7 of 219contribute greatly towards the betterment of the livelihoods of the county residents andstakeholders, actualizing the national development blue print (V2030), the nationalgovernment four agenda, internationally acceded conventions such as SDGs among others.Full implementation of the ADP 2019/20 will require concerted efforts from all friendswithin and without the County. Resource requirements for implementation of this plan willrequire to be mobilized through integrated efforts with the office of the Governor providingthe leadership on this. It is sincerely hoped that with unity of all, this plan when successfullyimplemented will provide a major milestone towards the realization of the NyandaruaCounty Social Economic Transformative Agenda.

Tags nyandarua, county, annual, development, plan, adp, 2019, 2020, nyandarua-county-annual-development-plan-adp-2019-2020, Public Finance


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