Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Nyandarua

The County Government has been implementing the Social Economic Transformative Agenda asencapsulated in the County Integrated Development Plan 2 (2018-2022). This is done through theAnnual Development Plans (ADP). The ADP preparation process is guided by Section 126 of thePublic Finance Management Act, 2012, and in accordance with Article 220 (2) of the Constitution.The ADP 2021/22 is the fourth under the CIDP 2 Blueprint of the Current Regime.The CADP 2021/22 preparation entailed identification of the programs and sectoral prioritiesin line with all the County and National Development Blueprints including the GovernorsManifesto, Sectoral Plans, Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2063, Presidential Big FourAgenda, among others. It is also cognizant of emergent issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic.The County resource allocation criteria is based on the County resource endowments, prioritizationof ongoing and high impact projects. In ensuring a representative Government, the Nyandaruacitizenry and stakeholders were asked to submit their proposals for consideration and inclusion inthe FY 2021/22 ADP through a Daily Nation advert dated 12th August 2020 and a further uploadin the County website for general viewing and guide. Consequently, the identified programsrequire Kshs. 8,079.36 Million to implement. The ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic areprojected to affect the implementation of the ADP FY 2021/22 and beyond. As such, strategicmeasures will need to be employed to ensure that the County absorbs the expected economicshocks. It is therefore requisite that the County develops a County Recovery Stimulus Program and mobilize resources from Development Partners, invest in productive and social sectors, amongothers.To track the implementation of the CIDP 2 and its resultant impact on the County Economy, theCounty will undertake a mid-term review of the Plan, this will act as a basis to take stock of thegains and pick up lessons on the implementation of the remainder of the Plan. Further, a well structured framework has been set up to monitor and report regularly to various units such as theGovernors Service Delivery Unit, County Executive Committee, County Assembly, CountyM&E Unit, Office of the Controller of Budget and any other Agencies.The County was ranked as 8th largest contributor to the Countrys GDP by the KNBS CountyGross Product Report, 2019 which underscores the strategic importance of the County. Thus theimplementation of the identified programs will contribute greatly towards the betterment ofthe livelihoods of the citizenry and to the entire Country.Implementation of the ADP FY 2021/22 will require coordinated efforts and commitment from [vii]all stakeholders within and without the County. The Office of the Governor will provide theoverall strategic leadership on its implementation, this Plan when successfully implemented willculminate to the actualization of the Nyandarua County Social Economic TransformativeAgenda

Tags nyandarua, county, annual, development, plan, adp, 2021, 2022, nyandarua-county-annual-development-plan-adp-2021-2022, Public Finance


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