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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Nyandarua

This is the second CBROP that has been prepared within the second County IntegratedDevelopment Plan 2018-2022 as the County pursues the implementation of its socio-economictransformative agenda for the County. The County has reviewed its fiscal policy strategy in thelast financial year as it strategizes for budget implementation in the FY 2021/22. Resourceconstraints occasioned by low revenue collection as a result of the COVID-19 has resulted to adeficit in the FY 2019/20 appropriations. However, the Third generation formula on CountyAllocation is set to give the County some headway in mitigating the challenge of limited resourcesfor budget implementation.As has been provided for in the PFM Act and Regulations, the County is in pursuit of ensuringthat its budget implementation is synchronized with the County Planning Framework. To this end,anchorage to the fiscal principles as stipulated in the PFM has been paramount in ensuring that theresources at the disposal of the County are optimally used for efficiency and effectiveness. Thispolicy document acts as a strategy to ensure that all the County entities are working towards theachievement of its objectives as is enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya.Socio-economic transformative programs and projects will be promoted to assist in the recoveryof the economy, local and national given the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The emphasis inthe Departmental programs and projects continue to be on higher investments in the socialenablers and infrastructure development for sustainable growth.The Medium-Term Budget has also been scrutinized to curtail spending on non-productive areasand ensure resources are directed to priority programs optimally. It is expected that theprogram and strategies herein will fast track the achievement of the County GovernmentsSocio-economic Transformative Agenda.

Tags nyandarua, county, budget, review, and, outlook, paper, cbrop, 2020, nyandarua-county-budget-review-and-outlook-paper-cbrop-2020, Public Finance


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