Nyandarua County Integrated Development Plan

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Publisher County Government
Year of Publication 2013
Category Budget & Fiscal Plans
County Nyandarua
Description The Nyandarua County Integrated Development Plan was prepared by a county secretariat that was led by the Committee Executive Member in charge of Finance and Planning and the County Development Planning Officer in close collaboration with various stakeholders including government departments, civil society organizations, community groups and the private sector. In line with Article 10 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 the Constitution; the secretariat undertook consultations in all the wards in the month of July and August 2013, to identify key developmental priorities to be implemented over the next five years. These priorities were used to inform the projects and programs in this Plan. The increased participation by a wide cross section of the people in the county in the preparation of this Plan is expected to enhance the achievement of the key goal of devolution which is to empower citizens to exercise their rights to be involved in their social and economic development.
Tags Public Finance


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