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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Nyeri

The County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP), 2019 has been prepared against a backdrop ofdeclining resources despite the high demand for accelerated and tangible development thatsupports the livelihoods of our people. The policies outlined in this CFSP are inclined to theBudget Policy Statement (BPS), 2019. The BPS is a Government policy document that sets outthe broad strategic priorities and policy goals that will guide the National Government and theCounty Governments in preparing their budgets both for the following financial year and overthe medium term.The global economy has continued to weaken and is projected to slow down to 3.5 percent in2019 from an estimate of 3.7 percent in 2018 occasioned by weaker economic activities in boththe advanced and emerging market economies. This must be of great concern to our county asthese are the main markets of our agricultural products and mainly coffee and tea.The national economy is expected to grow by 6.0 percent in 2018 and further by 6.2 per centin 2019 supported by strong agricultural and manufacturing activities underpinned by favorableweather conditions, strong service sector, stable macroeconomic environment, ongoinginfrastructural investments and sustained business confidence. With a strong agriculturalsector, Nyeri County is expected to greatly benefit from the expansion of the national economyand contribute immensely through investment in the infrastructural development.The 2019 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) sets out the County Governments priorityprograms and reforms to be implemented in the Financial Year 2019/2020. The programs andpolicies herein have taken into account priorities articulated in the CIDP 2018-2022, the ADPfor Financial Year 2019/2020, Medium Term Plan III of the Kenya Vision 2030 and the BigFour agenda.In the county, notable progress has been achieved in infrastructural development, notablygravelling and tarmacking of roads, construction and rehabilitation of classrooms and drillingof boreholes. In support of the growth of agricultural sector, support has been extended tofarmers through provision of breeding and planting materials and soil improvement. Supportin agriculture is in line with the big four program as this will ensure food and nutritionsecurity, not only in our county but also nationally.As a pilot county, the Universal Health Care (UHC) has become a reality where all our peopleare able to access high quality service within a short distance. This will lessen the burden onhealth care and also ensure a more productive population.The County Government will continue to provide an enabling environment for economicgrowth and job creation, quality services to its citizens, and serve the residents in anaccountable and transparent manner. Towards this, the county has automated the revenuecollection system to lessen the costs of collecting the fees and charges and seal the leakages. iii NYERI COUNTY FISCAL STRATEGY PAPER, 2019The policy goals, priority programs and fiscal framework in this CFSP reflect emergingrealities and priorities in the ADP 2019-2020 and CIDP 2018-2022.The finalization of this CFSP was as a result of product of wide consultations with all stakeholders within and outside the county. I would like to thank H.E the Governor, Her Excellencythe Deputy Governor, the entire County Executive for steering the preparation of thisdocument. Finally, I would wish to thank the general public who provided useful commentsthat contributed in reshaping the policy in preparation of this document, during the publicparticipation sessions held throughout the county.

Tags nyeri, county, fiscal, strategy, paper, 2019, nyeri-county-fiscal-strategy-paper-2019, Public Finance


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