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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Nyeri

The County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP), 2020 has been prepared against a resilient nationaleconomy as compared to the weak global economy. The policies outlined in this CFSP are basedon the Budget Policy Statement (BPS), 2020. The BPS is a Government policy document that setsout the broad strategic priorities and policy goals that will guide the National Government andthe County Governments in preparing their budgets both for the following financial year andover the medium term.Global economy is anticipated to grow marginally at 3.4 percent in 2020 from the estimated3.0 percent in 2019. This is of great concern to our county as these are the primary markets ofour agricultural products and majorly coffee and tea. The Kenyan economy is expected to growby 6.1 percent in 2020 and further by 7.0 per cent over the medium term from the 5.6 per centin 2019. This will be favored by the robust services sector, steady macroeconomic environmentand progressing investments strategic priorities of the Government under the Big Four Agenda.With a strong agricultural sector, Nyeri County is expected to greatly gain from the expansionof the national economy and accord vastly through investment in the infrastructural development.The County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP),2020) sets out the County Governments priorityprograms and reforms to be implemented in the Financial Year 2020/2021. The programs andpolicies herein have taken into account priorities as articulated in the CIDP 2018-2022, the ADPfor Financial Year 2020/2021, Medium Term Plan III of the Kenya Vision 2030 and the BigFour agenda. Evident development has been attained in different sectors in the county in theimplementation of her strategic plans which have contributed immensely to stimulating theeconomy and improving the lives of Nyerians. Building on these gains, the county will strengthenimplementation of programs that make growth more inclusive.The policy measures outlined in this County Fiscal Strategy Paper prioritize investments in theBig Four Agenda and are anchored on the National Development Plan as outlined in the ThirdMedium Term Plan (MTP III) of the Kenya Vision 2030. The County Government will continue toprovide an enabling environment for economic growth and job creation, quality services to itscitizens, and serve the residents in an accountable and transparent manner.The policy goals, priority programs and fiscal framework in this CFSP reflect emerging realitiesand priorities in the ADP 2020-2021 and CIDP 2018-2022. The expenditure priorities in thisCFSP have been intensely reviewed in accordance to the County Government strategic prioritiesincluding the Big Four Agenda. Subsequently, budget allocations have been premised on thesustainability, affordability and the degree to which the programs contribute towards jobcreation and reduction in poverty and inequality.The culmination of this CFSP was as a result of lengthy deliberations with all stake holders withinand outside the county. I would like to thank H.E the Governor, the entire County Executive foroverseeing the formulation of this document. Finally, I would wish to thank the general publicwho provided useful comments that contributed in reshaping the policy as we concluded thepreparation of this document, through the open participation forums held across the county

Tags nyeri, county, fiscal, strategy, paper, 2020, nyeri-county-fiscal-strategy-paper-2020, Public Finance


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