Performance Management Framework 2017

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2017
County All/General

Governments all over the world are coming under increasing pressure from their citizens to demonstrate development results from the resources collected in form of taxes. Increasingly, governments are also being pressured to be accountable to the electorate for the promises made in form of political manifestos, development plans, electoral pledges and the international commitments. Additionally, citizens are increasingly demanding for transparency not only on what the government has done but also to demonstrate the impact of governments interventions in improving citizens quality of life. Paradoxically, governments resource envelope has not expanded in tandem with citizens demands and therefore there have been calls for governments to do more with less.Institutionalizing a Performance Management Framework (PMF) in County Governments is therefore imperative in ensuring that Counties demonstrate their development results. Embracing this Performance Management Framework in County Governments marks a paradigm shift in the sense that Counties will no longer just demonstrate what they have done but rather how their activities and interventions have benefited the people of Kenya. The underlying objective of developing this Performance Management Framework is to eliminate the Silo Approach in the management of public affairs and create harmony in planning and utilization of public resources for the betterment of the lives of citizens. Although the previous administrations have practiced variants of performance management such as Results-Based Management, these past reforms have largely been introduced and implemented intermittently. The current framework builds on the previous efforts and goes further to package all the instruments of performance management into one framework comprising of the following components;1. Vision 2030 which is the National Development Plan2. 10 Year Sector and Spatial plans as prescribed in Section 109 and 110 of the County Governments Act 2012 respectively. 3. 5 Year County Integrated Development Plan as prescribed in Section 108 of the County Governments Act4. 5 Year Departmental Strategic Plans aligned to the County Integrated Development Plan5. Annual Development Plan derived as prescribed in Section 126 of the PFM Act6. Performance Contracting and Staff Performance Appraisal which is an accountability tool 7. Monitoring and Evaluation, Reporting and Learning

Tags performance, management, framework, 2017, Performance Management Framework 2017, Counties / General


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