Periodic Assessement Report Kitui County

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Kitui

...This assessment report looks at the projects which supported gender, youth and PLWDs issues in 2019/2020 Financial year budget by the County government of Kitui. The assessment took place within the month of January 2020. It involved the consultants, county government officials and experts on gender and youth. The Council of Governors facilitated the process through provision of both technical and financial assistance from Ford Foundation. The report looks at the background information, methodology applied, who took part in the assessment, summary of 2This is an open access article under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licensefindings, recommendations for each category, achievements of the county, challenges andconclusions

Tags periodic, assessement, report, kitui, county, Periodic Assessement Report Kitui County-Ford Foundation 2020, Public Finance


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