Samburu County Government Nutrition Action Plan 2019 2023

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2019
County Samburu

...ts my pleasure to present the Samburu County Nutrition Action Plan 2018 2023. The multi sector plan presents a road map for the implementation of nutrition activities in the county over a 5 years period. The goal of this CNAP 2 (2018 - 2022) is to improve the nutritional status and wellbeing of the population with special consideration to targeted cohorts. The focus is to enhance optimal nutrition among women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years), children (0 to 59 months), older children, adolescent, adults and elderly persons. This will go a long way in improving the Health and Nutrition status of the residents of Samburu County. The process of formulating this Action Plan has given us the opportunity to learn and build on our past successes. We have identified strategic interventions across various sectors to respond to emerging health and nutrition issues and meet the nutritional needs of our growing population. It is our duty to robustly coordinate and engage all key stakeholders and the community to enhance nutrition and food security as is presently articulated as part of the key pillars under the Presidents Big Four Agenda. This document has been well articulated since all key stakeholders were brought on board from the development to the validation process. I acknowledge the contributions from our stakeholders and the leadership and coordination provided by the department of Health in the development of this vital document. The County Government will provide the necessary platform for monitoring its implementation. To implement and achieve the health policy objectives, we need to develop an enabling environment in which our human, financial and physical resources are appropriately allocated and deployed.

Tags samburu, county, government, Samburu County Government Nutrition Action Plan 2019-2023, County Health Services


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