Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Samburu

...Kenyas Constitution 2010 brought in far-reaching changes in the way that government operates andrelates to its citizens, with a view to making it more fair, efficient, transparent and accountable. Theconstitution envisages that County Governments shall spearhead development at the County level witha view to bridging the developmental disparities. The citizens expect improved service delivery and agovernance system that values and promotes their aspirations for efficient and effective service delivery.The County Integrated Development Plan (2018-2022) was prepared in accordance with Articles 220(2)of the Constitution.As the Governor, I am fully aware of the many challenges and realizes that public funds alone will notbe sufficient and therefore private sector, Partners Participation in the building of County will beparamount. In recognition of the interdependence of the roles of the various actors in providing servicesto the citizen and bearing in mind the scarcity of the resources that are available, we are spearheadingthe formulation of policies and strategies under the CIDP Program 2018-2022 geared towards achievinghigh quality of life.It is for this reason that the County has developed policies and benchmarks to ensure that thetransformative agenda is sustainable and achievable. To achieve this, the County will make better use ofthe available resources including those from the National Government and Development Partners toprovide infrastructural development.Lessons learnt from the previous CIDP 2013-2017, have helped in formulating and prioritizing theprograms in the second five-year development plan for Samburu County that will be implemented in atimely, coherent, and integrated manner. In addition to soliciting support from the private sector tobuild County, there is need for all leaders to be effectively engaged in the development of Samburu. Inthis regard, a leadership forum will ensure synergy on the use of available resources both from theNational Government, County government and any other funds to avoid overlapping and duplication.The involvement of the religious leaders will promote the spiritual, social and general wellbeing of thepeople and ensure value for money and transparency in the implementation of projects and programsand a buy-in of the Plan from the wider public.The programs, policies and strategies under the 2nd generation CIDP are geared towards ensuring therealization of a sustainable and transformative agenda. This plan outlines Samburus developmentpriorities over a five-year horizon; 2018-2022 and reflects the strategic midterm priorities with specificgoals and objectives, costed implementation plans, provisions for monitoring and evaluation and clearreporting mechanisms. It includes information on investments, projects, development initiatives, maps,statistics and a resource mobilization framework. It is the shopping window for available investmentopportunities in the County

Tags Samburu County Second County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022, Samburu County CIDP 2018-2022, Public Finance


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