Samburu County Semi Quantitative Evaluation On Access And Coverage (SQUEAC) 2017

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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2017
County Samburu

...Over the years, Samburu County has experienced both acute and chronic food insecurity. The County has thereforea poor nutrition status. A SMART survey conducted in June 2016, showed that the global acute malnutrition was 14.5%, with Severe acute malnutrition being 2.4%. Though there was a slight reduction in status of acute malnutrition (GAM), the reduction was not significant compared to June 2014 when a similar survey was done. Chronic malnutrition (Stunting) was equally high at 34.8%.In October 2013, A SQUEAC assessment covering OTP revealed a single coverage of 51.6%. A number of program barriers were identified. These included; defaulting, long distance, migration, sharing of RUTF, alcoholism, health workers shortage, weak linkages of OTP to GFD programs, inadequate case finding as well as inadequate defaulter tracing among others. Key program boosters included; availability of RUTF in most of the health facilities, integrated outreaches, program awareness by the community, early admissions, good documentation, positive opinion about the program among the others.

Tags samburu, countysemi, quantitativeevaluation, on, access, and, coverage, squeac, 2107, Samburu County Semi Quantitative Evaluation on Access and Coverage (SQUEAC) 2017, Public Finance


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