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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Taita-Taveta

The 2020 Taita Taveta County Fiscal Strategy Paper sets out the framework for thepreparation of the 2020/21 budget in accordance with Section 117 of the Public FinanceManagement Act, 2012. It articulates key economic policies and fiscal strategies as well assector-based expenditure programs that the County intends to implement for therealization of the County Integrated Development Plan(CIDP) 2018-2022.The Medium-Term Expenditure Framework aims at ensuring efficiency and effectivenessin the implementation of the development activities outlined in the 2019 County AnnualDevelopment Plan(CADP). This is aimed at creating a conducive fiscal environment,adequate for financing of priority programs and projects by the departments in theCounty.The County Government is dedicated towards prudently utilizing the available resourcesand enhancing fiscal discipline so as to improve the living standards of the people. TheCounty Government will continue to implement policies aimed at ensuring food andnutrition security, promotion of value addition, investment in infrastructure and supportespecially the small and medium enterprises so as to expand employment opportunities.The County government will continue to pursue strategic measures aimed at tacklingnumerous structural, fiscal and human resources related challenges. These challengesinclude:a. Low Own Source Revenue(OSR) generation which in turn hinder developmentexpenditureb.Huge amounts of pending bills on projects, stalled and abandoned projects as aresult of poor budgeting and expenditure management as well as disregard to theprovisions of the PFM Act,2012The County government will continue to engage with the National Government andvarious Donor agencies to bridge the financial gap especially in critical areas of water,health and infrastructure.This strategic paper is divided into 4 chapters:Chapter 1 gives the general overview and rationale for preparation of this document. Italso highlights the major achievements made and challenges faced by the countygovernment. The chapter outlines the fiscal performance of the county in-terms ofrevenue generation and expenditure analysis.Chapter 2 outlines the economic context in which the 2020-2021 MTEF budget will beprepared. It provides an overview of the recent economic development and macro-2020 County Fiscal Strategy Paperiiieconomic outlook covering the national and county scene. It further provides a basis forthe projections of revenue and expenditure for FY 2020-2021 and the medium term.Chapter 3 outlines the fiscal framework under which the 2020/2021 budget will bebased. It briefly highlights the countys resource envelop for FY 2020/2021 and furtherpresents the spending priorities for the next budget.Chapter 4 finally presents the sectors and departmental spending ceilings for 2020/21budget and the medium term.

Tags 2020, county, fiscal, strategy, paper, taita-taveta-2020-county-fiscal-strategy-paper, Public Finance


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