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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2020
County Taita-Taveta

The 2019 County Annual Development Plan (CADP) is prepared in accordance with theprovisions of the Public Financial Management Act, 2012 (Section 126(1-4)) and Article 220(2)of the Constitution of Kenya.The objective of the 2019 County Annual Development Plan is to establish the basis upon whichthe County Governments budgeting process for FY 2020/2021 is built. This document providesdetails of the County Governments priority programs to be implemented in FY 2020/2021.The priorities expounded in this document have been drawn from the County IntegratedDevelopment (CIDP 2018-2022) and aligned to the objectives of the Kenya Vision 2030 andthe Third Medium Term Plan (MTP III). The Governors manifesto has also informed theproposed strategies and programs.The broad priorities outlined in this document include:1. Increasing access to clean, quality, affordable and potable water for all households,schools and health facilities. (WATER)2. Ensuring quality education through development of ECDE and Library services,equipping of schools and enhanced bursaries allocation (EDUCATION)3. Provision of quality infrastructure including improved roads network, ICT, qualityhousing, Land management and adoption of alternative sources of energy.(INFRASTRUCTURE)4. Investing sufficiently in quality, accessible and affordable health care services includingprovision of prerequisite equipment, drugs and health personnel. (HEALTH)5. Improved Food and Nutrition Security and community resilience through provision ofadequate extension services, farm inputs, water for irrigation and livestock throughout theCounty. (FOOD SECURITY)6. Empowerment of Youth, women, and vulnerable members of the community throughestablishment of small scale cooperatives, talents identification and nurturing andimproved access to cheap and affordable credit. (COMMUNITY EMPOWEREMENT)This Plan is divided into two chapters as follows:Chapter One: This provides a brief background of the County in terms of its area,administrative divisions, main physical features, and settlement patterns.Chapter Two: The chapter sets out departmental priorities, Flagship projects and projectsproposed during participatory budgeting exercise for the FY 2020/2021.

Tags taita, taveta, county, annual, development, plan, 2020, 2021, taita-taveta-county-annual-development-plan-2020-2021, Public Finance


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