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Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Tana River

The 2017 County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) prepared by the CountyTreasury, provides a review of the fiscal performance made by the County government of TanaRiver during the financial year 2016/2017. It also makes comparisons to the budgetappropriations of the same year and provides insight on recent economic developments and theupdated economic and financial forecast along with information to show changes from theforecast in the County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) of 2015.The County Treasury continues to enforce the fiscal responsibility principles in accordance withthe Constitution, and the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act, 2012, (Section 107).The county governments recurrent and development expenditures remained within the legalthresholds as per the PFMA, 2012. However, recurrent related expenses like the rising wage billwithout commensurate service delivery posses a major challenge to the Countys developmentagenda. In addition, the countys growth and development agenda will largely depend on howwell the program based budget is implemented as well as how fast people and business get tofull capacity and produce and sell at optimum levels.The 2015/16 budget had to strike a delicate balance of prioritizing critical expenditures;especially flagship projects in the face of resource constraints to spur economic growth andenhancing poverty reduction and employment creation. The shortfalls in revenue collectionaffected the financing of projects prioritized for implementation during the financial year. In the2016/2017 efforts will be made to improve revenue collection and fast-track implementation ofpending projects.In this 2016 CBROP, while emphasizing on the County Governments economic growth anddevelopment agenda, the expenditure ceilings have been set consistent with the projectedresource envelope. An appeal is therefore, made to heads of county department and agencies toadhere to the respective departmental ceilings and rationalize all programmes to ensure that thosewith highest impact on our objectives of poverty reduction, wealth creation, infrastructuredevelopment and food security are given considerable resource allocation.

Tags tana, river, county, budget, review, and, paper, outlook, 2018, TANA RIVER COUNTY BUDGET REVIEW AND PAPER OUTLOOK 2018, Public Finance


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